The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceFor the eighth year in a row New Zealand earned the right to call themselves World Champions at the VEX Robotics World Championships held in Louisville this weekend. Lynfield College achieved the ultimate accolade being crowned the winners of the High School Excellence Award. They join an elite group of teams who number only nine who can call themselves the best of the best. Lynfield College retained the Excellence Award won for New Zealand last year by the Glenfield College making it two years in a row for New Zealand.
David Aston from Glenfield College was inducted to the VEX Robotics STEM Hall of Fame as Teacher of the Year . Entry to this club is restricted to those who are selected by their peers not only for the dedication and hard work that they put into the program but also the all other aspects of the student’s lives. There are only nine teachers in the world who have received this award. If there is a teacher in the world who knows how creating a passion for STEM can change the lives of student lives then David Aston is that teacher. David Aston joins Johan Potgieter who was one of the first inductees in recognition of starting VEX in New Zealand.
Lynfield College also won the Robot Skills World Champions Award for the highest score in the world in a competition where the robot competes alone on the field under driver control for one minute. Scoring 454 points equates to getting two balls into a net with an opening roughly half the size of a netball hoop 15 feet away every second! All of this was done using a robot built and programmed by high school student in his spare time! There next closest rival was 23 points behind them.
It is not by chance that the VEX robotics competition has grown to be the world’s biggest robotics competition! The passion and dedication that the competition generates in the students and anyone involved in the program is evident by the excitement shown in the 1072 teams that competed in Louisville this weekend for the right to call themselves World Champions. The Guinness Book of World Records has formally recognized the VEX World Championships is the biggest in the World, ever.
For any of you out there who are still not convinced that VEX Robotics is a sport then you need to be aware that America’s premier sports channel ESPN will be airing #VEXWorlds on ESPN2 on July 20th hosted by @kristenkenny!
If you or someone you know wants to become involved send me an email (c.hamling@kiwibots.co.nz) and I would love to help you join in. Things only going to get better!
Lynfield College return to Auckland, New Zealand on Wednesday, 27 April at 13:50 on Qantas QF 141 from Sydney.
Photographs of the event are available here.
A full list of the awards the New Zealand and Australia won are listed below.
David Aston – Teacher of the Year, Glenfield College, New Zealand
Lynfield College, New Zealand
Lynfield College, New Zealand
Wingus & Dingus, New Zealand
Innovate Technology & Robotics Academy, Australia
Wingus & Dingus, New Zealand
Wingus & Dingus, New Zealand
Feilding High School, New Zealand
Nakibots, New Plymouth, New Zealand
I would like to thank all of our sponsors and in particular the Royal Society and the MBIE for the gracious financial support that they have given to our top teams. So please join me in acknowledging
for their support over the years along with the army of volunteers that make it all possible.
Chris Hamling
National Manager