The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceDAY 3: AUCKLAND
Auckland Audience:
Triple-Wow! A fantastic turn-out in Auckland on Thursday night.
The audience was indeed very diverse, and did include representatives from insurance and InsurTech, as well as wealth management and other types of financial services, and even the education sector who are interested in the skills required for growing FinTech.
The open forum discussions were exceptionally vibrant with lots of participants from the audience. Our overworked note-taker from the NZTech support team was completely exhausted by the end.
The whole event was supposed to conclude at 7pm, but the networking session just kept on going until the last person was ‘kicked-out’ at 9pm. That was me, I just wanted everyone to have a chance to have their questions answered, and it was a big turn-out. 🙂
A word from our sponsor – Augen Software Group:
“Augen has been assisting New Zealand’s diverse financial services industry in Innovation and Technology (FinTech) development since 1993.
We bring resource and scalability to help accelerate the development and integration of enterprise information systems, web and mobile apps, customer/staff/partner portals, software products, business intelligence and data solutions.
We recently expanded our business operations to provide a physical hub and capability platform for Kiwi tech businesses to accelerate presence, engagement and growth in South East Asia.
We are providing leadership and injecting energy into FinTechNZ, as well as sponsoring the launch campaign around the country, in response to the increasing call for action from the sector, for having a national body that brings together and grow all things FinTech, to shape the future of New Zealand and our place of relevance in the global community.”
Peter Vile – Director & CEO.
Kiwi FinTech Story:
Our guest speaker Leigh Flounders – Director and CEO of LatiPay – delivered an inspiring story about the remarkably short but hugely successful journey so far of his FinTech company, laying the digital bridge for Kiwi businesses to engage with consumers in Asia. Leigh also outlined what LatiPay have experienced as challenges for FinTech in New Zealand – very useful insights.
I am sorry I can’t share more of this story in my update, you will just have to be there in person and hear it for yourself next time. All I am allowed to share is Augen is very fortunate to have LatiPay as a customer, and Leigh as a friend. 🙂
LatiPay is one of the early pioneers and Founding Members, so everyone in this community will get behind Leigh and shamelessly promote his business every chance we get, both in New Zealand and overseas. This is part of what we do for each other in FinTechNZ. So you will most likely hear about this remarkable Kiwi FinTech company again.
What is even more exciting is that there are likely to be many more Kiwi FinTech businesses doing many more amazing things out there that we don’t even hear about – YET. This is exactly why we have established FinTechNZ to draw out everyone and bring the whole community together. I am really looking forward to meeting and getting to know more FinTech innovators and business thought leaders inside financial services providers as well as tech companies in the sector, especially once the launch activities are over.
Important Acknowledgements:
A huge thank from the NZTech and FinTechNZ teams to our sponsor Augen Software Group and our host Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED). We would not have been able to deliver our launch in Auckland without you.
Thanks to our NZTech Board members Bennett Medary from NZ Techweek and Robett Hollis from Aranui Ventures for your attendance and support, as well as FinTechNZ Core Working Group members Binu Paul from SavvyKiwi & Finnotec Conference, Leigh Angus from ASB Bank, Paul Fulljames from Figron Group & Fintech.NZ online forum, Stuart Christie from New Zealand Venture Investment Fund (NZVIF) and Will Cooper from Westpac, for being there to team-deliver and ‘field’ the session with me.
It’s been a super-frantic launch campaign around the country. I am looking forward to regrouping with the whole FinTechNZ Core Working Group shortly after the launch activities are over.
What’s next:
YOU get your business/organisation to join the new community that we have created for you.
We need more members to come on board and quickly grow our critical mass as well as connections for conversations and activities.
Note: We will implement a limit on the number of Founding Members, so be quick.
Go to: www.FinTechNZ.org.nz.
Auckland, Friday 24th March: International FinTech business delegation from UK and Australia.
Don’t miss out! – Be there. :-
First round of FinTechNZ Connect events:
We will continue the conversation we have started this week in these Connect events. Come to network, participate, connect and promote yourselves and what you are doing in FinTech.
More details will be available about these events on our web site soon. For now, please make sure they are in your calendars. I look forward to seeing you all there!
For all enquiries about FinTechNZ, please email: info@nztech.org.nz.
Many thanks.
Mitchell Pham.
Augen Software Group, Kiwi Connection Tech Hub, NZTech, FinTechNZ.