The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceHi Readers
Earlier this year NZTech’s Techweek team did an amazing job creating a platform bringing together 287 independent tech and innovation events across 24 towns and cities, reaching tens of thousands of people. Techweek is used to inspire the next generation into being innovative with technology, build tech capability of our SME’s, develop capability of our next world leading tech firms and showcase our best innovations to the world.
For Techweek’18 (diarise the dates; 19-26 May) NZTech has created a joint venture with the Trans-Tasman Business Circle hosting a series of international delegations to New Zealand. While we develop the Upstart Nation – Innovation Ecosystem Tour, please consider anyone you know overseas who you could encourage to visit New Zealand in May. Entrepreneurs wondering what it is like to work from New Zealand? Investors looking for new and novel innovations in AgTech, CleanTech, Space, GovTech, CreativeTech and more? Organisations that would like a deep dive into New Zealand’s innovation ecosystem? Full information will be available late August.
Having recently completed the wrap-up of ShadowTech Day it was great to see that we were able to encourage 500 school girls across New Zealand to view tech related careers in a new and positive light. Check out what mentors and students had to say in our ShadowTech Day video.
This week, I’m looking forward to spending time in Christchurch with Canterbury Tech and continuing to work with the GCIO team in Wellington on the Digital Nation 2030 Summit for February 2018.
Enjoy your week.
Graeme Muller
Project Connect presents Future proof your leadership on 2 August in Auckland with business leadership expert John Spencer. We have two free tickets to give away – first email received wins a double pass!
How should society prepare for advances in AI? Attend the Royal Society’s regional lecture in Wanaka on 4 August. Also join the AI Forum NZ at their first Connect Event in Auckland on 16 August.
Join Canterbury Tech tomorrow for their monthly networking event. Meet the finalists in the NZSA’s An Angel at my Table competition on 8 August in Auckland.
If you are looking for interns, now is the time to sign up for Summer of Tech. Gain access to over 2,000 top quality local students and graduates looking for summer jobs.
The FinTechNZ Connect event series discussed the need for startups to engage early with authorities and business. Early bird tickets are now on sale for Finnotec 2017, 3 November in Auckland.
Join Hon Steven Joyce and the US Ambassador Scott Brown at the 2017 AmCham – DHL Success and Innovation Awards on 3 August in Auckland.
Following a recent report that New Zealand is one of the world’s leading digital nations, NZTech announced the Digital Nations Conference, prior to the D5 Summit next year.
Missed our AGM? Watch the political debate on New Zealand’s Digital Future here. Also, read the 12 goals in our 2017 Tech Manifesto.
Notable dates; Spatial Excellence Awards nominations close 25 August. Submissions on the Digital Technology Curriculum close 31 August.
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