The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceHi Readers,
This morning I had coffee with Colin MacDonald the GCIO and CEO of the Department of Internal Affairs. We met to discuss the role of the GCIO office in Government and ways to continue to improve the interaction between Government agencies and tech firms that help the Government acquire technology to deliver better public services. As Chair of the OECD Public Governance Working Party, Colin is a strong advocate for digital transformation across government alongside improved citizen experience. Check out a recent presentation he made to the OECD on the topic. Colin is currently working on new ways for Government to accelerate its digital transformation and I look forward to being able to debate them publicly soon.
Tomorrow I am in Melbourne at a Global Digital Leaders and Ministers forum to discuss the coming threat to jobs from automation. Governments and corporations globally are aware of the growing social risk as increasingly more roles are automated. Sharing ideas and policy will hopefully help reduce the potential negative impact.
Meanwhile, back home a group of Tech Leaders from across our country’s largest corporations, Government agencies and local bodies has been formed with the support of NZTech. Together they will work on developing good national policy and behaviours to minimise the impact of digital disruption on local kiwi jobs in the future.
By the end of the week I will be in Dunedin and Queenstown working with respective City Councils and tech firms to develop their activities for Techweek 2018.
Finally, if you are looking for tech staff the LookSee team are taking the Tech Talent Pool database on the road. This Thursday lunchtime there is a session in Christchurch.
Have an excellent week.
Graeme Muller
Leadership, innovation and strategy
Join our political debate on everything tech!
Get ready for next month’s #CantySummit
Our next Developing Diversity event is in Auckland on 7 September. Join us for lunch and a panel discussion on how to create a more inclusive workplace. Tickets are limited, so don’t miss out.
Project Connect’s next event hosts Andy Cunningham on 11 September in Auckland to discuss Brand Strategy by Design. We have two free tickets to giveaway. First email received wins a double pass!
Join NZSA on 12 September in Auckland for their monthly event. Promapp‘s Ivan Seselj will share their debt free startup story, how they went global and what business values truly mean for success.
Are you Christchurch based and looking for bright talent? This week you can learn about the LookSee Tech Talent Pool. Hear how to hire international pre-screened talent at this free information session. Registrations essential.
The 2017 NZ Cloud Computing Summit is 31 October in Auckland. This year’s theme is setting the cloud strategy in today’s digital ecosystem. For a 10% discount use the NZTech promo code: MSPL4N.
NZTech Board member Robett Hollis attended the recent SU Global Summit in San Francisco. Watch his recaps for days one, two and three. He described the event as truly epic!
New IoT technologies helping clean up our waterways reports the New Zealand IoT Alliance. Today, NZTech Chair Mitchell Pham has called for greater investment in promoting tech, our third largest export.
Last week, Minister Kaye announced applications are open for the Youth Digital Enterprise Awards scheme. Learn more here. Meanwhile, submissions on the Digital Technology Curriculum close 31 August.
MFAT has launched a new website, Trade Barriers to help exporters notify government of non-tariff barriers preventing competition overseas. This costs New Zealand businesses billions of dollars every year.
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