The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora Readers,
This morning as I dropped my daughter off at school, I was almost run over by a Tesla. We stepped out between two parked cars, heading towards the school gates, when this lovely looking car glided past. It didn’t make a sound. Instant car envy. It got me thinking about technology change…
A couple of weeks ago, I was at a conference on digital transformation and a presenter showed a photo of Times Square in New York from 1900, complete with horses and carriages. Then we were shown the same view, in 1920 and not a horse to be seen. Something like 20 million horses were unemployed within 20 years. Last week Stanford economist Tony Seba told APEC delegates in Wellington that this process has already started for cars. He believes the tipping point is here and no petrol vehicles will be built after 2025. Tony also believes that the number of cars will have decreased by 80% by 2030, with most of us opting to ride in an ‘Uber style’ self-driving vehicle.
Before my daughter finishes school, I will no longer have to do the school run. Maybe one of those purring Tesla’s will collect her.
Meanwhile, we are working hard to get the Digital Skills Survey report published before Christmas. The data definitely shows a skills mismatch and the looming threat of a major skills shortage on the horizon.
Have a great week and I look forward to kicking off end of year celebrations, starting in Wellington on Thursday. If you haven’t already RSVPed, please do, using the below links.
Graeme Muller
Considering entering the 2018 Hi-Tech Awards? Be inspired by previous winners and learn from the judges at events in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
In their final event for the year, NZSA hosts innovator Greg Cross on 12 December in Auckland. He will discuss Human + Machine: AI in the 21st Century.
Join FinTechNZ at the inaugural Australian Payments Summit on 13 December in Sydney. Use our promo code for a 10% discount; APS_Partner.
Reading this, it’s likely you are tech savvy, but from today, #getcybersmart offers some useful reminders; changing passwords, turn on 2FA, check your privacy settings for social media and update your OS.
Register for the International Location Powers Summit, 4-8 December in Palmerston North. Also, the Environmental Data Summitand Location Powers Data, Interoperability and AgriTech summit.
Which sales and marketing approaches help Kiwi tech companies grow? The latest Market Measures Reportsurveyed over 300 companies. It found an over reliance on company founders and high value sales people to sell.
Next year, Auckland will host #AIDAY2018 the biggest Artificial Intelligence event to be held in New Zealand. AI Forum’s Ben Reid shares the details here.
NZTech Women is seeking participants for a Wellington based Mentoring Circle pilot. If you are interested in being a mentor or mentee, please apply by 30 November.
Entries for the CIO100 close this week. Kiwibank FinTech Accelerator applications close 1 December. Register for Digital Nations 2030, 19-20 February in Auckland.
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