The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora
It’s no secret, I enjoy being busy! This morning I am in Wellington catching up with MBIE and then Minister Wood. I am looking forward to chatting about the CTO role, amongst other things. Then, I have the privilege of presenting to the Future of Work Tripartite Forum who already have a significant work programme. I am sharing insights into the impact of exponential technology change, digital skills shortages and the AI Forum’s research on automation’s impact on jobs.
Tuesday starts with Digital Identity New Zealand’s establishment board meeting as this new entity gears up to launch. This new tech association brings together experts in digital identity, multiple government agencies, tech firms and academics to help fast track safe and effective approaches to digital identity for all New Zealanders. Earlier this year, at the Digital Nations Summit the number one call for action across all workstreams was the need for digital identity.
On Tuesday afternoon, I will be in Auckland presenting to just over 600 Plant and Food Research scientists on adjacent technologies that are rapidly changing and impacting on New Zealand’s future as a food producer. Plant and Food understand how important their work is for New Zealand’s future as a global food producer, so it is great that they are ensuring their scientists have a broad view of what is happening in agritech.
Also running this week is our very first ShadowTech for Teachers. Earlier this year we ran our annual ShadowTech programme for hundreds of school girls. Students are partnered with TechWomen for a day to see how exciting tech roles can be. ShadowTech is always a huge success, so we are now testing it with a group of teachers. Our aim is to help teachers build their knowledge and confidence for teaching the new digital technology curricula by experiencing life in a tech role.
If you’re interested in FinTech, don’t miss this year’s New Zealand FinTech Summit on 29 November in Auckland. The previous two years have sold out fast, so don’t miss out.
Have a great week.
Ng? mihi
Graeme Muller
Join the New Zealand IoT Alliance’s first Connect Event on 20 November in Auckland. Discussion will include security analysis and IoT at the edge.
Attend NZSA’s Purpose and Profit – Growing a Social Enterprise on 13 November in Auckland. Attend Canterbury Tech’s AGM and Quiz night on 4 December.
Last week, following the banking review, FinTechNZ’s James Brown spoke about emerging opportunities for the ecosystem. The New Zealand FinTech Summit is 29 November in Auckland.
Attend the 2019 Hi-Tech Awards launch events on 28 November in Auckland, 5 December in Wellington and 6 December in Christchurch. The 2019 Gala Dinner is 24 May in Auckland
Join NZTE and TechWomen for Practical tips on increasing diversity in tech companies on 26 November in Auckland, featuring hi tech CEO Amanda Santos.
Strengthen connections in digital health at the HiNZ Conference, 21-23 November in Wellington. Join the AI Forum at the 31st Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 11-14 December in Wellington.
General event submissions for Techweek19 open in January, but if you’d like to be part of the Programme Highlights apply before 14 December. Use the Techweek19 Discussion Forum to start planning your event.
Registrations are open for 2019 Export Essentials workshops throughout New Zealand. Entries for #TechRocketshipANZ close 23 November. Applications for the AI Impact Challenge close 22 January.
Save these 2019 event dates; Future Government summit, 26-27 February, Tech Marketers conference on 28 February, AI-Day on 28 March and Techweek 20-26 May.
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