The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora Readers,
NZTech is officially 10 years old. Last week, at our AGM we recognised a decade of contribution by many dedicated volunteers who have worked hard to help create a prosperous New Zealand underpinned by technology. Our Annual Report highlights just a few of those volunteers and the many exciting initiatives the New Zealand Tech Alliance has achieved in the past year. This includes 87 percent year on year membership growth! We now represent over 1000 unique organisations who collectively employ more than 10 percent of the workforce.
In particular, I would like to thank the recently retiring NZTech Board members including Angela Nash, now the CTO of NZRU, Kim Connolly-Stone, now the Policy Director at InternetNZ, Leigh Flounders, Senior VP of Digital Strategy at Emirates Bank in Dubai, Melissa Firth, most recently the CDO at Te Papa, Richard Adams, GM of Sales South at Spark, and Sarah Hindle, GM of Tech Futures Lab.
I’d like to welcome our new NZ Tech Board members, Belinda Allen, from Orion Health, Anthony Watson, from ANZ Bank, Nicole Upchurch, from Centrality and Dean Ford from MBIE. Plus recognise our returning Board members Eva Sherwood, from Deloitte, Mike Smith from IBM, Barrie Sheers from Microsoft, Mike Jenkins from The Instillery, our Board Intern Sonya Williamsfrom Sharesies and our Chair Mitchell Pham from Augen.
It is straight back into meetings this week with the European Union, Taiwanese and Saudi’s as more countries visit to explore the success of our innovation ecosystem and the role NZTech is playing. Exciting times!
Have a great week.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Join the AI Forum tomorrow in Auckland. Connect with InsurTechNZ on Wednesdayin Auckland.
Join Canterbury Tech on 13 August. Attend the NZGDC19, 4-6 September in Wellington.
NZSA is calling for entries to its annual An Angel at my Table pitching event on 13 August. Entries close on Wednesday.
Attend Tackling the Mental Health Crisis with Technologyon Wednesday in Auckland. Massey’s ecentre Innovation Showcase 2019 is 8 August in Auckland.
What impact will tech have for all New Zealanders? This week we ask Auckland Transport’s Tech Leader Roger Jones for his views. He shares his thoughts here.
Would you like to know more about digital identity? Register to attend the Identity Conference 2019 – Identity as taonga: now and in the future, 26-27 August in Wellington.
Provide feedback on the Government’s Agritech Strategy at consultation workshops next month in Palmerston North, Auckland, Hamilton, Lincoln and Tauranga.
Close the gap and everyone’s a winner says TechWomen’s new co-chair Dil Kosha. Have you heard of the awards gender gap? Dil explains, plus more news here.
The Government has issued a new supplier code of conduct for firms engaging in procurement. Entries for the Deloitte Fast 50 close on Friday.