The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora Readers
Last week, I returned from an international business trip and can’t help but be reminded of the exciting growth and opportunities out there for our vibrant tech sector. It’s encouraging to see how our collaborative work developing a strong cohesive set of messages about the New Zealand tech story is starting to make a difference.
Recent interest in New Zealand’s tech innovation includes visits from a range of countries to connect and learn more about our ecosystem and innovative Kiwi companies that are #goodfortheworld.
For example, NZTech’s recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with South Korea Telecom is a great example of how relationships are formed at the industry and government level. SK Telecom are members of a well-resourced, well-organised, major conglomerate. They have already engaged with close to two hundred tech ventures globally, so they are well positioned to ‘plug and play’ with New Zealand. SK Telecom’s MoU has sparked significant interest from other large multinational corporations, as well as South Korea’s local and central Governments.
On our side, the challenge for NZTech and the Tech Alliance is to engage internationally in an organised and cohesive way. This includes working with organisations like New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, KEA New Zealand and others who have wide reaching networks. Another part of this challenge is how we enable our members to connect directly into these opportunities and engage their businesses to grow internationally, and how we do so in coordinated, rapidly scalable ways.
This is a new area of work that our board will discuss at next month’s annual strategy planning workshop, as a part of the bigger picture of what NZTech will be working on in the coming year.
Mitchell Pham
NZTech Board Chair
PS: On the local front, please take a moment to have your say on the improvements to the R&D Tax Incentive.
Join Canterbury Tech tomorrow. Meet fellow Tech Marketers on 21 August in Auckland and Wellington.
Which pitch will win? Join NZSA at the annual An Angel at my Table event tomorrow in Auckland.
Join InsurTech Connect to discuss better customer outcomes on 22 August in Auckland.
Unlock the value of digital identity at the 2019 NZ Digital Identity Summit on 16 October in Wellington, where discussion moves beyond policy to real world initiatives.
The 2019 AmCham-DHL Express Success and Innovation Awards is 23 August in Auckland. Connect with game developers at the NZGDC19, 4-6 September in Wellington.
Tech Leader Diane Edwards tells us why accessibility to tech is important for all New Zealanders. Read more. Plus, watch Techweek TV highlights on demand.
Provide feedback on the Government’s Agritech Strategy at workshops in Hamilton, Lincoln and Tauranga. Also, have your say on the improvements to the R&D Tax Incentive. Learn more.
Join the New Zealand IoT Alliance at the 2019 IoT Half-Day Conference on 3 October in Auckland. Plus, here’s four ways to increase AI adoption in New Zealand.
Applications for the Callaghan Innovation R&D Experience Grants close 31 August. Save the date for CERT’s Cyber Smart Week, 14-18 October and subscribe for updates.