The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia ora,
Last week, at the Canterbury Tech Summit, Facebook’s former CEO, Stephen Scheeler discussed building an innovative culture and trust in a digital world. He highlighted eight common elements he sees in successful digital businesses; vision, humility, curiosity, adaptability, transparency, data dexterity, customer obsession and speed. This led me to contemplate NZTech and these traits. We have been successfully addressing many of the elements, but data was the exception. Data underpins everything we do and this is undoubtedly where we should all be focusing energy in the coming year. We will build it into our upcoming Future Government Summit in March 2020. It is also a critical foundation for the successful use of AI as was noted in the recently released Intelligent Future report from the AI Forum.
Tomorrow, I am excited to be involved in the Enhanced Partnership for Exponential Impact Roadshow event in Wellington. We have been working with Singapore based, Kiwi owned, NZTech member, Ecosystm, to welcome several senior Singapore officials to New Zealand to further enhance collaboration and partnership, with a focus on fintech. I will be presenting near the end of the Showcasing New Zealand Innovation to the World event and I can’t wait to show our visitors some cool New Zealand tech.
This week the NZTech Board is spending a day digging deep into our 2020 strategy refresh with a strong focus on member engagement. It’s also the perfect time to consider our data dexterity and how we can provide further value to our more than 1,000 members.
Have a great week.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Explore business opportunities in Singapore with networking events on 19 September in Tauranga and 20 September in Auckland.
Join Canterbury Tech on 8 October. Join NZSA on 11 November for Escape Velocity and 12 November for Crossing the Chasm.
Learn how blockchain is solving real business problems at the InsurTechNZ Connect event on 9 October in Auckland.
Attend the Future of 3DP in MedTech on 1 October in Christchurch. Advancing Digital IT and Law is 25-26 November in Auckland. Advancing Women in Technical Industries and Roles is 25 November in Auckland.
Medicine, science and tech! New Zealand’s first medicinal cannabis summit, MedCan 2020 has been announced by BioTechNZ. Register your interest for the 19 March, 2020 event.
Standards New Zealand is looking for digital entrepreneurs with ideas for how to use standards content in new ways to make it more useful for those who put them into practice. Learn more.
Register now for the 2019 NZ Cyber Security Summit and the 2019 NZ Digital Identity Summit will both being held on 16 October in Wellington.
TechLeaders recently met with Minister Jones to discuss how to accelerate digital advancement in provincial New Zealand. Read the briefing paper here.
Closing dates; 27 September for Deloitte’s Corporate Entrepreneur Awards, 29 September for Inventing the Future 2019 and 4 October for Callaghan’s RFP for incubators.