The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia ora readers,
This week, we start the multi-city tour for the Digital Technology Sector – Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) workshops. Working with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and our regional partners, NZTech is gathering feedback from throughout the country. We want to know what sort of sector you would like Digital Tech to be in the coming years, plus what policy and investment needs to be in place to help achieve this.
The scope of this ITP focuses on the enablers of the sector – people, infrastructure and Government. We will need to consider the access to skilled workers, globally savvy leadership, diversity and inclusion. Infrastructure considerations will include resilience and choice, cybersecurity, use and availability of data, equitable access and ensuring ongoing adequate national investment in new digital infrastructures. The Government’s role as the biggest single customer will also need to be considered, its role in supporting innovation, the regulatory and trade policy settings, and coordination of support for growing and exporting businesses.
While recognised as its own sector, the digital technology sector, it is also a critical enabler for most other parts of the economy as we transition to a digital nation. What are the possible benefits and risks of emerging technology for New Zealand? With the rapid pace of technology change, the ITP will also consider the role of Government in supporting technology foresight.
Digital inclusion is also critically important for the success of New Zealand. As our nation becomes increasingly more digital, there is risk that segments of society, who are unable or unwilling to connect, be left behind. A recently released Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) report on digital inclusion and wellbeing found that currently, most people living in social housing or with a disability are not connected to the internet. While we endeavour to identify economic development opportunities in the digital age, we must also balance this, by ensuring everyone has the opportunity and skills to fully participate.
We greatly value hearing your views, so please consider attending one of the ITP workshops in the coming weeks. Please join us in the following cities;
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Attend the AI in Banking and Financial Services event on Wednesday in Wellington. Join WealthTechNZ Connect on Tuesday in Auckland.
Join Canterbury Tech next week on 3 December for their Annual General Meeting and Quiz night.
The NZSA next meets on 10 December in Auckland to discuss Doing Digital Responsibly.
Don’t forget to join the Xero Small Business Roadshow, touring nationwide until 5 December. Final dates include Timaru, Dunedin, Invercargill and Queenstown.
Attend the NZ Hi-Tech Awards alumni event and launch event on Wednesday in Auckland. Also, 3 December in Wellington and 4 December in Christchurch.
Help co-create the future of New Zealand in space by supporting the local ecosystem. SpaceBase is crowdfunding on PledgeMe until 5 December.
Please attend our Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) workshops in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.
In case you missed it, NZTech and FinTechNZ’s Mitchell Pham recently featured on TV One’s I am a Refugee, sharing his personal story.
Applications for the xone Partners Series corporate accelerator close on Friday. Applications for #cprize2019 close on 8 December.