The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech Alliance
Kiwi business women are leading the drive of one of New Zealand’s most
significant technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), into 2020.
The AI Forum of New Zealand has just appointed one of ANZ bank’s heads of
technology, Megan Tapsell, as its chair, along with Simpson Grierson tech
lawyer Louise Taylor as its deputy chair.
Emma Naji, a computer scientist with a 20-year tech focussed entrepreneurial
career, recently took over from Ben Reid as the executive director of the AI
Very few New Zealand businesses or Kiwi tech organisations have three women
leading its governance and management, which in itself is a major milestone.
Tapsell has family connections with the first Maori Speaker of the House, the
late Sir Peter Tapsell.
She is a major advocate for the role of Maori in all aspects of New Zealand and
previously sat as an advisory board member of the Maori health tech business
Navilluso Medical, fronted by Tracy and Lance O’Sullivan, who was the 2014 New
Zealander of the year.
“With the world in a constant state of change due to the rapid advancement of
technology, it is important that our industry leaders also consider the ethical
impacts on our people, both in our workplaces and our community,” Tapsell says.
The AI Forum’s new deputy chair Louise Taylor is a senior technology lawyer in
the commercial group at Simpson Grierson. She specialises in new and emerging
technologies and has spoken and written widely on AI, fog / cloud, IoT, drones,
quantum computing and other tech trends.
AI Forum executive director Emma Naji says this female-led driving force bodes
very well for the future of the AI Forum organisation, Taylor says.
“Their leadership reinforces the importance of AI for New Zealand’s future
prosperity and the growing focus of how best to harness AI for the benefit of
New Zealand, the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ are a key focus of our Intelligent Future
Summit in April next year,” she says.
Tapsell and Naji acknowledged the tremendous efforts of the outgoing and
inaugural executive director Ben Reid and chair Stu Christie, who stepped aside
because of other business commitments. Both indicated their intent to step down
a number of months ago to facilitate orderly succession.
Naji says the AI Forum has recently released a series of five research reports
covering areas such as AI in financial services, agriculture and health. They
have outlined issues stressing New Zealand urgently needs to focus more on
achieving an AI-enabled future, particularly in relation to investment,
research, skills and talent, ethics and regulation and trusted data.
“New Zealand needs to actively consider benefits from creating a world leading
AI strategy, supporting innovation and business; research suggests that the
financial and insurance sectors are a viable quick win for New Zealand,” Naji