The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceToday, I am presenting at a conference in Wellington sharing how the Tech Alliance helps strengthen our ecosystem. There are now 24 associations in the Alliance, working together to help create a more prosperous New Zealand underpinned by technology.
There are an enormous number of projects underway across the Alliance on behalf of members at any one time. Here are a few that we are currently working on:
At NZTech, we have been working on capturing what the politicians should be aware of as they begin developing their election manifestos. Later today, I am meeting with IT Professionals, NZRise and InternetNZ to see whether we should bring together our thinking into one strong pre-election statement. This approach worked well last election when we published a combined tech ecosystem Manifesto.
While in Wellington, I will also be touching base with several Government agencies about their Techweek2020 activities. Event submissions are now open, so please consider your involvement.
The remainder of the week finds me around the country, attending Board meetings for several Tech Alliance associations as they begin their planning for the new financial year. I am particularly looking forward to working with the Board of the Spatial Industry Association (SIBA), as they look to refresh their strategy with a focus on impact and growth.
Look out for the Future Government Summit that we are hosting in Wellington next month. The agenda is packed with CEO’s and other Government tech decision makers, coming together to work on developing a more digital public service.
Have a great week.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Join Canterbury Tech on 3 March for a discussion on sustainability and on 16 March for Tech Internships.
Join FinTechNZ and BlockchainNZ on Wednesday in Auckland.
Join BioTechNZ on 28 February in Auckland. Register for Digital Identity NZ’s local showcase on 10 March in Auckland.
Join Xero’s free education programme including webinars and live workshops on 27 February in Wellington, 3 March in Auckland and 5 March in Christchurch.
Register for Microsoft Azure’s free workshops in New Plymouth on 18 March, Palmerston North on 19 March and Hamilton on 20 March.
Check out Hamilton’s TechFest on 3 March. Meet the Tech Futures Lab team at their Virtual Open Lab on Wednesday.
BioTechNZ Market Insights Report: BioTechNZ invites all local firms or organisations who offer services to biotech firms to complete this 10 minute survey.
Learn more about the agritech Industry Transformation Plan at free workshops on 3 March in Auckland, 9 March in Hamilton and 10 March in Lincoln.
Entries for the 2020 KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards close on Friday. Entries for the NZ Hi-Tech Awards close 2 March.