The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia ora,
Recently, Xero commissioned the New Zealand Economic Research Institute (NZIER) to undertake a major analysis of the impact of cloud-based technology on the New Zealand economy. The report was completed in February, prior to the outbreak of COVID-19. However, the report found that a 20 percent uptake in cloud-based technology could increase GDP by up to 2.1 percent adding $6.2b to the economy. It also found the technology uptake could increase business output by as much as $7.3b, increase wages by up to $1.9b and grow exports by as much as $618m annually.
It is now clear that the New Zealand economy needs more technology, rather than less, if we are to rebuild a modern, resilient economy. The Productivity Commission has summarised this, saying, well-designed and coordinated Government responses could allow New Zealand to fully realise the potential of disruptive technologies for economic productivity and social prosperity.
There is a unique opportunity right now, as we work together to help rebuild the economy, to ensure our businesses thrive as we rebuild. This opportunity needs to be firmly embedded in policy, to ensure that support for technology-driven productivity is consistently pushed. This drive is required for at least several years, not just in the short term.
Additionally, if we want to enable technology-driven economic growth, we need to ensure our technology companies survive COVID-19. I have quickly reviewed member responses to date, regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. Like every other organisation, tech firms are suffering, mainly due to the impact on their customers:
Anything the Government can do to support New Zealand businesses should also help the tech sector. Here are a few of the suggestions from our members:
Today, we will have a better idea of how long the economic pain will continue, as we unite against COVID-19. I hope you and your organisation are able to weather the storm. Meanwhile, we will continue to work closely with the Government to find a silver lining from this cloud.
Best wishes for a safe and productive week.
Ngā mihi
Graham Muller
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