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Be inspired by kiwi tech stories

It’s exactly four weeks until Techweek2020! It’s our time to connect with communities throughout New Zealand, to help inspire the next generation into tech, improve digital inclusion, help build tech capabilities and showcase some of New Zealand’s best tech to the world.

Since 2012, NZTech has been organising Techweek, a nationwide series of events celebrating New Zealand innovation. The beauty of Techweek is that it’s a marketing platform that brings together hundreds of good ideas into one moment. Each year, NZTech develops a theme in collaboration with our partners, regional economic development agencies, Government agencies, event organisers and businesses to host a cohesive national festival. We encourage event organisers, businesses, educators and community groups to include their events in Techweek and we curate one big tech festival. Last year, there were 562 events run in 28 towns, 46,248 attendees, 261 schools involved, over 3000 students, 70 events for Maori, 92 events for women, 55 investment events and 60 pitches delivered to more than 50 investors from around the world.

With such a large undertaking, every year we are confronted by new challenges and opportunities. The impact of COVID-19 and the subsequent need to delay Techweek has been both a challenge and an opportunity. The team has been able to realign Techweek as a digitally led festival. This means that while Techweek2020 events may include a physical component, all events must include a way for people to attend virtually. Because of this, we are seeing an increasing number of international enquiries to access investor events or showcase opportunities in other markets.

Thanks to COVID-19, schools are also better prepared for the virtual experience. Consequently, Techweek2020 will be running vocational tech pathways events for students, to showcase different tech career opportunities within firms across New Zealand.

Techweek TV has also released its 2020 live streamed online schedule. Broadcast during Techweek2020, programming includes the role of AI in education, global export opportunities, our future cities, how everything changed with COVID-19 and more. Be inspired by the diverse ways New Zealanders are using tech to connect to our future. Bookmark Techweek TV for live access and if you miss an episode you can watch it on-demand on Play Stuff.

I hope you have a productive and successful week. 

Ngā mihi

Graeme Muller


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NZTech We connect, promote and advance the New Zealand Technology ecosystem to help the tech sector and the economy grow.