The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceBy Mitchell Pham, Chair of the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand.
If the lifeblood of the digital economy is data, its heart is digital trust*. Trust, as we understand it from our research, is about whether people are comfortable in a situation where they are vulnerable to the consequences of someone else’s actions. We have been looking at trust in automated decision-making and what people need to be comfortable when the “someone else” is an algorithm.
Participants in our workshops have been clear that they want algorithms to be used alongside human involvement in decision making. But can we trust one over the other? Do we trust them both equally? How is each influenced by the other? And where does bias creep in — in the algorithm, in the human factor, or in the system intent that guides them?
“An algorithm is just a fancy calculator,” says a participant from last week’s workshop with members of the disabled community. “Like, the answer you get out depends on what you put in — your criteria of the algorithm. So I absolutely trust the use of algorithms, but I don’t necessarily trust the criteria that are being fit into the algorithms.”
So, while on the surface some feel they will trust algorithms more when humans are involved in the process, there is recognition that humans bring and build in bias to the use of algorithms that may unfairly categorise, favour or lead decisions and outcomes.
Participants in last week’s workshop experienced this for themselves. When presented with a health scenario that used algorithms to determine who gets surgical treatment (something that could directly affect them), participants overall had lower trust in the algorithm. When presented with a scenario using algorithms to allow immigrants into New Zealand, they had higher trust in that algorithm — a participant suggested this was because it was something that wouldn’t affect them directly.
“It’s easier to be more dubious and take things more personally when we are personally involved,” said a participant. “But it’s different for deciding whether one of the six billion other people are to come to New Zealand. So the closer it is to you, the more careful you are, the lower the trust and the more dubious you are about the benefit.”
In all of our workshops, participants from Māori, Pasifika, migrant, youth, and disability communities have called for the right and necessity to be involved in creating algorithms that are used on their people. They talk about humans being at the centre of creating and utilising algorithms before, during and after the decision the algorithm makes. They already are, but the complexity of human input and human bias means the lifeblood of the digital economy requires diversity, inclusion and sovereignty to be at its heart.
*Quote from PWC Digital Insights 2019