The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe NZTech Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming soon and that means election season is now upon us!
NZTech is the voice of the organisations that are redefining the world we live in. NZTech’s vision is a socially and economically prosperous New Zealand, underpinned by technology. Our purpose is to connect, promote and advance tech ecosystems.
To continue building on our success, it is critical to have the drive and support of a purposeful Board. We are now seeking nominations for our Board and encourage you to consider the role or nominate someone who can make an impact. In line with our Board Diversity Policy, we have actively identified skills and experience needed to help us accelerate our strategies and ensure diverse thinking.
For the current NZTech strategic outcomes, we are seeking candidates with strong financial acumen and/or international marketing skills and/or an understanding of tikanga and Te Ao Māori. In addition to these skills, NZTech strives for a diverse Board. We encourage all involved to consider the current makeup of the Board and how candidates for vacant seats might enable the Board to gain a more diverse perspective.
There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward, or nominate someone, for a role on the NZTech Board. This year we have vacancies for the following positions:
Please note, while the candidate must be from an NZTech member organisation, they do not need to be from the same membership tier they wish to represent on the Board, provided they are nominated by at least one member of that tier. The details of what’s required and who is entitled to be elected are set out on this form.
All nominations must be entered into the online form here by 5pm, 8 July 2021.
NZTech has seen the benefit of having a continuity of knowledge on its Board. To achieve this Board members are appointed for two (2) years and initial appointments were done in such a way that half of the Board would retire each year. With various changes to the Board, including the establishment of Community Board Member representation, this year we have five (5) elected members retiring. To try to re-establish our continuity of knowledge we will be proposing that one (1) each of the newly elected Corporate Major and Other Corporate Tier positions be appointed for a three (3) year term.
We will be inviting members to vote on this matter prior to the AGM, but we wanted to make you aware of this in advance. The intention is the newly appointed Board are authorised to select (having regard to the diversity and skills requirements of the Board) which of the recently appointed representatives of the Corporate Major Group and Other Corporate Tiers Group will have the three (3) year appointment. The three (3) year appointment would only apply to the selected Board Members current appointment and upon their retirement any further appointment will be for a two (2) year term.
The voting material on this will be included with the electronic voting on the nominees seeking appointment to the Board, which will be issued on 15 July.
The NZTech AGM is scheduled for the 12 August 2021 in Auckland. We will be holding the formal AGM presentation, including a panel discussion, from 4pm, followed by refreshments.
If you wish to propose any notices or motions to be considered at the AGM, please send them to agm@nztech.org.nz by 5pm, 22 July 2021.
Voting will take place electronically, in advance of the AGM and the results will be announced at the AGM. Please see the current constitution for an outline of Board Membership and election processes.