The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceI’m very proud of NZTech’s members who are collaborating on a diverse range of initiatives to encourage young people into pathways for future tech careers.
As the demand for digital skills remains high, we need to ensure Māori and Pacific women are supported in pursuing tech careers. Brittany Teei of 3BagsFull, the Ministry of Social Development, NZTech and Microsoft are piloting Sisters in Tech, a structured opportunity for wāhine to secure a new career in the tech sector. The programme is tailored to the individual needs of each candidate and to ensure their success, wāhine will also receive six months wrap-around personal, cultural and professional support. This includes advising participating companies on cultural awareness and successful onboarding. If you’re looking for tech talent, please support Sisters in Tech now! This pilot programme is initially being offered in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and Te Tai Tokerau Northland. To learn more, attend the Sisters in Tech Snapshot online during Techweek, 16 May.
ShadowTech Teachers is currently underway with numerous NZTech members hosting teachers for a day, showcasing a range of careers. Teachers then return to school excited about what they’ve learnt and can guide learners into tech careers. If you’ve missed out on this round but would like to help, visit TechHub, the joint venture between NZTech and IT Professionals to inspire the next generation into tech.
Last week, I was pleased to see the Government agency, New Zealand Growth Capital Partners (NZGCP)’s Elevate NZ Fund committing $15 million into Hillfarrance. The recently established early-stage venture capital fund aims to raise $50 million for investing into early-stage New Zealand technology companies. Today, capital is definitely easier to find than a decade ago, but it can still be challenging for early-stage firms. This new fund will further increase the speed of growth of the New Zealand tech sector.
Don’t forget to register to attend events during Techweek, 16-22 May. We are still loading events to the website, so pop back and plan your week. So far there are over 320 events throughout New Zealand, plus 60 TechweekTV sessions. Check out the event playlists, or create your own.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller