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Final Countdown!

We’re on the final countdown to Techweek22! I’ve said it before, but there’s literally something for everyone at Techweek. There’s nearly 400 sessions to choose from, covering everything from skills and knowledge, digital transformation, climate and sustainability, global impact, leaders and innovation and Māori tech participation. Don’t forget to register to attend, check out the event playlists or create your own.

The AI Forum has just completed an analysis of the role of artificial intelligence in the environmental ecosystem. This study highlights the importance of technology for New Zealand’s response to environmental challenges. Preview the report launch during Techweek, register now.

NZTech is continuing to work on raising the awareness of the importance of technology for Aotearoa’s sustainability response. Tomorrow, I am hosting a Zoom session for members discussing the potential for a Technology Roadmap for Emissions Reduction, with NZTech Chair Mitchell Pham and Mark Thomas from Serviceworks. Next week, we are visiting Minister Woods to discuss the role of the energy sector and the Research, Science and Innovation (RSI) system in our proposed technology roadmap for emissions reduction.

As part of our ongoing support of New Zealand’s Tech Story, We See Tomorrow First, we are joining New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) and NZ Story to provide free workshops. These begin during Techweek22 and show companies how to use the Tech Story toolkit. If you’re looking for talent, need to raise funds or want to sell more, sharing the story about your business is essential. Register for our first workshops on 17 May in Waikato, 26 May in Tairāwhiti, 15 June in Auckland and 21 June in Dunedin.

Ngā mihi

Graeme Muller

NZTech We connect, promote and advance the New Zealand Technology ecosystem to help the tech sector and the economy grow.