The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora,
I’m beginning my week in Wellington attending AgriTechNZ’s annual planning session. AgriTechNZ brings together hundreds of people and organisations from Aotearoa New Zealand’s two leading export industries – agriculture and technology.
During the past year they have made significant progress including partnering with the Government on the Agritech Industry Transformation Plan (ITP), the launch of Powered by Place, an international marketing campaign for New Zealand agritech, and the development of baseline research on digital adoption in the primary sector. The AgriTechNZ team also delivered more than thirty member events through the country, bringing the community together to collaborate on the opportunities agritech can bring for New Zealand.
This evening we are joining the Hon Stuart Nash, Minister for Economic and Regional Development for dinner at Parliament with the AgriTechNZ Executive Council and CEO’s of agritech firms. This is a special opportunity to engage directly with the Minister and officials to highlight the importance of agritech in supporting New Zealand’s economic growth.
The Hon Stuart Nash will discuss the Government’s objectives for the primary sector following the budget announcement of $5 million to support the agritech ITP and $340 million for a Centre of Climate Action during the Emissions Reduction Plan announcements. This centre will be tasked with creating pathways for climate research and agritech solutions to support farm adoption of climate technology.
Meanwhile, discover the future of farming right here in New Zealand. AgriTechNZ’s second Powered by Place feature, The Future of Farming is Here, launches today. Interestingly, agritech isn’t just about automation and robots! The new reality for farming is very different as food production transitions to an efficient indoor model. It’s a business model, combining ground breaking science and innovation technology that is going global. Meet three inspiring Kiwi agritech innovators and discover the new reality for farming that is good for the world. Plus, if connection to the land is important to you, the AgriTechNZ team would love to hear from you. Sharing stories like these deepens our understanding and helps inspire other Kiwi agritech entrepreneurs.
This week, other calendar highlights include the New Zealand Hi-Tech Trust’s strategy day, the Digital Tech ITP reference group meeting, the first digital apprenticeship co-designing session with Ngai Tahu, a meeting with Toi Mai Workforce Development Council on tech pathways and meetings with members.
Finally, would you like to know about tech trends in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Chile? Join New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’s Chris Metcalfe for a panel discussion with Latin America tech journalists, exploring market demands and opportunities. Register now to attend the Thursday webinar.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller