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LocationTech NZ

Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan

LocationTech thanks the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for the
opportunity to submit on the Advanced Manufacturing Draft Industry Transformation Plan. This
submission is in response Priority Two, increasing investment in advanced technologies and processes
to lift productivity and wages, as well as Priority Five, creating a leading sustainable circular net-zero
emissions sector.

LocationTech was not involved in the in-person or online workshops and as such feels the ITP
probably reflects the needs and understanding of current manufacturers quite well, but does not appear
to take into account more emergent opportunities with the same level of depth. For example bringing in
advanced end of digital manufacturing bringing AIoT and location intelligence into the mix faster. We
acknowledge that the Digital ITP was identified in the draft documents as a critical enabler, and as
such, would recommend a better connection between these two ITP’s at a broader level than the MBIE
policy teams.

LocationTech is happy to engage further with MBIE to discuss our submission in detail and provide
further assistance as part of developing the ITP.

LocationTech NZ Our mission is to establish LocationTechNZ as the voice of location technology and spatial intelligence in New Zealand.