The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia ora,
Two weeks ago, I completed the iconic Tarawera Ultramarathon (TUM102) in 13 hours. For the last six months I have enjoyed working with my training team as I prepared for this epic 102 km adventure. The TUM102 is one of the most scenic ultramarathons in the world, featuring trails, forestry roads, native bush, conifer forest, farmland, parkland and thermal landscapes.
I’m proud to have finished the ultramarathon, but unfortunately I developed rhabdomyolysis (a rare condition) and spent a week in intensive care (ICU) undergoing dialysis. On discharge, I have been recuperating at home and am hopeful for a full recovery in time.
Special thanks to the NZTech Board and our stellar team for their support, understanding and continuing our important work.
It’s not too late to help us address the skills shortage in a meaningful way. Your input is valuable and will help determine future policy, so please share your views. Our survey closes tomorrow, so please take 10 minutes to complete our Digital Tech Skills Survey.
Recently, the first ever data-driven report on Māori technology companies was published and NZTech was a supporter. Toi Hangarau is a state of the sector report that is industry led, data driven, peer reviewed and initiated and led by Māori. The report details 72 companies, 1,310 people employed by Māori tech companies and 81 percent are micro or small businesses. The nine top earners range in revenue from $5m to $73m, 89 percent operate internationally, 100 percent operate in the top four global trend areas and 78 percent are medium/large businesses. View Toi Hangarau: A Report on Māori-owned Technology Companies 2023.
It’s also your last chance to share your views on what tools you need to take your tech story to the world. Please complete the survey here.
Meanwhile, planning is well underway for Techweek23 and event submissions are now open. The week will begin with the Tomorrow Expo in Auckland 10-12 May, so secure your space now.
Aotearoa’s flagship event for leaders in fintech, FinTechNZ Hui Taumata 2023, is also being hosted in Auckland tomorrow.
Ngā mihi nui
Graeme Muller
PS: Entries for this year’s Hi-Tech Awards close on Monday 13 March and tickets to the Gala Dinner on 23 June in Christchurch are now on sale.
Read more: NZTech Inform – marathon efforts!