The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora,
During Techweek23, I was delighted to host the Hon Minister Ginny Andersen at the Digital Nation 2023: Shaping our tomorrow, today event for the launch of the Digital Technologies Industry Transformation Plan.
For several years, NZTech has led the industry and partnered with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to develop a vision for the longer term growth of our sector.
Thank you to everyone who has provided valuable feedback during the consultation phase. The final ITP reflects a consistently high degree of engagement from our sector. The ITP is a living document that will evolve over time, however it currently includes actions to:
A Digital Technologies ITP Partnership Board has also been established to support the ongoing implementation of the ITP. The Government has previously committed to a range of initiatives including the creation of a Software as a Service community, targeted implementation of the Digital Skills and Talent Plan and the successful 2022 launch of the New Zealand Tech Story.
In last week’s budget, I was also pleased to see increased investment in the tech sector. This includes direct investment into supporting the growth of tech exports through a 20 percent tax rebate for expenditure by game development businesses. Agritech, another growth export sector is also being boosted with a $29m investment. Plus, creating high-value tech jobs is receiving investment to boost the skills pipeline for digital technology jobs. This includes much needed funding into the ‘earn as you learn’ and other work-integrated pathways, designed to attract a more diverse workforce. Money was also pledged to improve our cyber security and resilience.
Today, CERT is launching their latest campaign on two-factor authentication (2FA), Two steps, too easy. Learn more and please show your support by re-sharing their message.
Ngā mihi nui
Graeme Muller
PS: If you missed my conversation with NZ Story’s David Downs on Techweek TV, watch it here. Special thanks to our partners, organisers and attendees for supporting New Zealand’s largest tech and innovation festival. Let’s keep the conversation going, tag us @techweekNZ and hashtag #techweek23 and #goodfortheworld in your social posts.
Read the full news here: NZTech Inform – investment for jobs