The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand IoT Alliance was launched in 2017 and is governed by an independent elected Executive Council and there are vacancies for five positions in 2023.
Our key purpose is to actively contribute to the prosperity of New Zealand through accelerating the uptake of IoT. We aim to accelerate IoT innovation by promoting collaboration across industry and government.
To continue building on our success, it is critical to have the drive and support of a purposeful Executive Council and we are now seeking nominations. We encourage you to consider who could make an impact as a member of the IoT Alliance Executive Council ensuring the new Council reflects the diversity of the community we support.
There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward or nominate someone else for a role on the IoT Alliance Executive Council. This year we have vacancies for the following positions:
The positions are for a 2-year term.
Nominees for the above positions must be:
All nominations must be submitted online by 5pm 29th August, 2023
Voting will take place online in advance of the meeting. The results will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Please see here for an outline of Executive Council Membership and election process. Each organisation has one vote allocated to the primary contact of the member organisation.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for 1.30pm, Tuesday 3rd October 2023 and is to be held via video conference. This is a member only event.
If you wish to propose any notices or motions to be considered at the Annual Meeting, please send them to elections@iotalliance.org.nz by 5pm, 12th September, 2023