The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceOur Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming soon and that means election season is now upon us!
NZTech is your united voice for New Zealand technology, growing tech for good.
Our mission is to build a values-led, connected tech community that unites to work on collective impact initiatives that grow a diverse tech talent pipeline, increase exports and investment, and encourage the uptake of tech across Aotearoa.
This work is focused on how technology can be used in service of a more equitable, sustainable, safe and prosperous tomorrow for all New Zealanders.
To ensure the continued impact of our work, it is critical to have the drive and support of a purposeful Board. We are now seeking nominations for the Board and encourage you to consider the role, or to nominate someone who you believe can make a positive impact. In line with our Board Diversity & Inclusion Policy, we have actively identified skills and experience needed to help us accelerate our strategies and ensure diverse thinking.
For the current NZTech strategic outcomes, we are seeking candidates with any of the following skill sets:
In addition to these skills, NZTech strives for a diverse Board. We encourage all involved to consider the current makeup of the Board and how candidates for vacant seats might enable the Board to gain a more diverse perspective.
Board Nominations
There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward, or nominate someone, for a role on the NZTech Board.
This year we have vacancies for the following positions:
Please note, while the candidate must be from an NZTech member organisation, they do not need to be from the same membership tier they wish to represent on the Board, provided they are nominated by at least one member of that tier. The details of what’s required and who is entitled to be elected are set out in the nomination form.
All nominations must be submitted by 5pm, 12 July 2024.
Annual General Meeting
The NZTech AGM is scheduled for Thursday 15 August 2024 at 4pm via zoom, please note this is a member only event.
Notices and Remits
If you wish to propose any notices or motions to be considered at the AGM, please send them to agm@nztech.org.nz by 5pm, 25 July 2022.
Key Dates
Voting will take place electronically, in advance of the AGM and the results will be announced at the AGM. Please see the current constitution for an outline of Board Membership and election processes.