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BlockchainNZ Annual Meeting and Executive Council Elections 2024

The purpose of BlockchainNZ is to support the growth of a sustainable blockchain ecosystem in New Zealand and advocate for blockchain technology in the public and private sectors. To achieve this purpose BlockchainNZ collaborates with others to:  

  • Help connect the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Promote the importance of blockchain to New Zealand.
  • Promote New Zealand blockchain organisations to the world.
  • Help advance Government’s understanding of blockchain and its potential.

Executive Council Nominations 

There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward or nominate someone else for a role on the BlockchainNZ Executive Council. This year we have vacancies for the following positions: 

  • Corporate – Major: 1 position 
  • Corporate – Other: 3 positions
  • SMEs & Start-ups: 1 position 
  • Education: 2 positions

The nominee must be from a BlockchainNZ member organisation and be from the same BlockchainNZ group that they are to represent on the Executive Council. 

All nominations must be entered into the online form by 5pm, 24 July 2024. 

BlockchainNZ Executive Council roles and responsibilities include:

  • Direct and supervise the business and affairs of BlockchainNZ.
  • Attend monthly Executive Council meetings, usually one and a half hours in duration.
  • Represent BlockchainNZ at industry events and as part of delegations to Government and other key stakeholders.
  • Assist with managing and securing members of BlockchainNZ.
  • Participate in BlockchainNZ working groups and projects.
  • Where agreed by the Executive Council, act as a spokesperson for BlockchainNZ on particular issues relating to working groups or projects.
  • Be a vocal advocate of BlockchainNZ.

Online Voting

Voting will take place online in advance of the meeting and will be open for 2 weeks. The results will be announced at the Annual Meeting, on 28 August 2024. Please see the Charter for an outline of Executive Council membership and election process. Each organisation has one vote that is allocated to the primary contact of the member organisation. 

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is scheduled for 28 August 2024 and is to be held via video conference. You can register to attend.

Notices and Remits 

If you wish to propose any notices or motions to be considered at the Annual Meeting, please send them to by 5pm, 7 August 2024. 

Key dates: 

  • Now – Call for nominations for Executive Committee members is issued to members. 
  • 24 July – Nominations close, and all received nominations are validated.
  • 31 July – Electronic voting commences. 
  • 7 August – Due date for notices or motions to be considered at the Annual Meeting. 
  • 14 August – Electronic voting closes. 
  • 28 August – Results announced at Annual Meeting. 

Any questions? 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact  
We look forward to your response and your nominations. 

BlockchainNZ We provide New Zealand businesses and individuals opportunities for connecting, promoting and advancing in all things blockchain, crypto and decentralisation. We believe that by working together and leveraging our globally recognised brand of trust and integrity, New Zealand can become a key player in the move to a decentralised global ecosystem.