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Sustainability – Insights, strategies and future events

Sustainable FinTech working group (SFWG) update: insights, strategies, and future events

The recent video meeting of the Sustainable FinTech Working Group (SFWG) brought together key players from across the sustainable fintech sector to share insights, developments, and strategies. You can hear the audio recording if you missed the session or wish to revisit the discussions.

Key takeaways and future plans

Regular meetings scheduled

We have agreed to meet on the third Thursday of every second month, with our next gathering scheduled for 15 August 2024. We will send out the meeting invite shortly.

Call for contributions

If you have been actively contributing to the fintech ESG, sustainability, or impact space, we’d love to share your news with the rest of the whole community. Email Jason or Leeanna to tell us what it’s about in one sentence and include a link to your media release or blog. We’ll share your news in our newsletter.

Developing an ESG strategy for FinTechNZ 

We’re in the process of crafting an ESG strategy for FinTechNZ, involving diverse stakeholders, including our members, Executive Council, RegTech, and InsurTech communities. We plan to hold online sessions to discuss the challenges and opportunities in supporting our community sustainably. Please email Jason or Leeanna to let us know you’re keen to share your insights.

Advancing ClimateTech initiatives 

There’s a growing demand for technological solutions to aid climate change adaptation and mitigation. We’ve been collaborating with NZ Tech on a ClimateTech roadmap, which is gaining traction with government agencies. As part of this initiative, we’re forming a ClimateTech community to collaborate, synergise efforts and prioritise the climate agenda effectively. You’re welcome to join us – just email Jason or Leeanna.

Highlights from recent events and publications

Stewardship Masterclass in Investor Engagement 

The recent ‘Stewardship Masterclass in Investor Engagement’ provided valuable insights into constructive and respectful engagement approaches, legal considerations, and shareholder responsibilities. You can watch the masterclass on the Stewardship Code website.

Circular economy and business model evolution 

Thinkstep ANZ, in collaboration with the Sustainable Business Network and Aurecon, has published a report on the Impacts of circular approaches on emissions, jobs, and other factors. This report, commissioned by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE), highlights the potential of the circular economy to reduce waste and optimise resource use. ThinkStep ANZ also provides a practical calculator for product teams, designers, and strategists to explore ‘going circular’ and the decisions involved.

Digital financial reporting and interoperability

The External Reporting Board (XRB) has released a position paper on digital financial reporting, emphasising investors’ use of structured data overseas. We anticipate a government consultation on mandatory digital financial reporting in New Zealand. This work aligns with global efforts by International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to facilitate interoperable digital reporting standards.

Promoting interoperability across standards 

Upcoming FinTech Events

Intersekt, Melbourne (18-19 September 2024)

Jason and his crew will attend the eighth edition of Intersekt, featuring themes on green fintech, ESG technologies, and sustainability. 

Hong Kong FinTech Week (28 October – 1 November 2024)

This event will include eight forums, with the Green FinTech and Impact Forum including sessions on carbon markets, tokenising green assets, and responsible AI.

Future Sustainability Forum, Dubai (4-5 December 2024)

The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) will host its second annual Future Sustainability Forum, building on the success of last year’s event and driving sustainability initiatives across industries.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us in our collective effort to foster sustainable innovation in the sustainable fintech sector.

If you would like to know more about Sustainable Finance, follow our working group activity here.

FinTechNZ Disruptive technologies are revolutionising traditional financial services, creating opportunities for start up entrepreneurs and corporate innovators. FinTechNZ helps connect, promote and advance the trends shaping the FinTech ecosystem.