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AI Forum

Join the AI in Education Community

Exciting news for educators interested in AI! Following a recommendation in the ‘AI Blueprint for Aotearoa‘ report, Tim Gander and Brendon Shaw have launched a dynamic AI in Education Community of Practice (CoP). This vibrant group, with over 300 members, is already making waves in the educational landscape. Meeting online every two weeks, the community shares practice-based examples and stays up to date with the latest developments AI and education. 

Why join?

  • Stay ahead: Bi-weekly meetings keep you at the forefront of AI in education.
  • Learn from peers: Share and gain insights from real-world, practice-based examples.
  • Cut through the noise: Get clear, practical information on AI tools and their impact.
  • Enhance your teaching: Discover how AI can support effective pedagogy and inclusive learning.
  • Access expertise: Tap into a network of educators exploring AI guidelines and best practices.
  • Flexible participation: Can’t make a meeting? No problem – all sessions are recorded.

Whether you’re AI-curious or already implementing these tools, this CoP offers a supportive space to grow, collaborate, and innovate. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to shape the future of education!

For more information and to join this community, visit the AI in Education CoP website. Together, we can harness the power of AI to create more equitable and effective learning experiences for all students.Keep updated with the AI Forum’s news and events here. If you’re not already a member, learn more and join us.

AI Forum The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s artificial intelligence community, working together to harness the power of AI technologies to enable a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future New Zealand.