The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia ora,
Last week, we met with the Minister of Finance, Hon Nicola Willis, to highlight our latest New Zealand Tech Metrics and reinforce the importance of tech for Aotearoa’s future. We showed how every new tech job creates 4.8 new additional jobs in the economy, and every 4% growth of the tech sector generates $2.7b in GDP growth. The tech sector generated $23b in GDP in 2023, in comparison to the entire primary sector’s $16.4b!
We also discussed the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) for New Zealand. New research by our AI Forum shows AI is boosting productivity with minimal job loss. The results are encouraging, 67% of respondents reported using AI, predominantly GenAI, with nearly all seeing increased worker efficiency and many experiencing positive financial impacts. Learn more here: AI in Action: Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on New Zealand’s Productivity. The research will continue to track AI’s evolving impact, providing policymakers and business leaders regular insights to guide decisions on AI investment, regulation and integration.
Ahead of Wednesday’s Aotearoa AI Summit, the AI Forum has also established a new Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Working Group. Its aim is to drive AI adoption within the AEC industry, which contributes over $17.6 billion to New Zealand’s GDP or 6.3 percent. If you’re interested in being involved, learn more.
Last year, tech also delivered $10.7b in exports which is why See Tomorrow First is such an important collaboration between NZTech, NZTE and NZ Story. The international research offers many valuable insights for our tech exporters. It highlighted that two-thirds of tech decision makers use country of origin to gauge trust and tech capability. Aotearoa’s reputation for trustworthiness and strong sustainability credentials can help you build relationships in international markets. Competitive pricing, localised knowledge, and robust tech support are key factors for international buyers. The second wave of research will provide further insights, which NZTE is sharing in a free webinar on 2 October. Register now >
In other news, voting for the IoT Alliance Executive Council opens today and BioTechNZ’s election results will be announced on 18 September.
Ngā mihi nui
Graeme Muller
Read the full news here: Driving productivity gains