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Digital Identity New Zealand

DINZ Hui Keynote: Juliana Cafik on Digital Identity Trust Frameworks

At the Digital Trust Hui Taumata in August, Juliana Cafik, Microsoft’s Identity Standards Architect, delivered a thought-provoking keynote on global digital identity frameworks. With over 27 years of experience, Juliana provided valuable insights into how trust frameworks enable secure, interoperable digital transactions worldwide.

What are Digital Trust Frameworks?

Trust frameworks establish rules for:

  • Ensuring secure digital interactions
  • Verifying identities in both public and private sectors
  • Applying region-specific levels of assurance for various transactions

Global Examples of Trust Frameworks

eIDAS (European Union)

  • Goal: Enable cross-border identity verification for 80% of EU citizens by 2030
  • Focus: Electronic signatures, digital wallets, and consistent identity proofing across member states.

DIACC (Canada)

  • Focus: Economic growth through the adoption of digital identity
  • Approach: Public-private collaboration to ensure compliance and usability

New Zealand’s Unique Position

Juliana praised New Zealand’s approach, emphasising these key elements:

  • Focus on Safety: New Zealand uniquely integrates safety into its trust framework
  • Key Framework Pillars: Identity management, privacy, security, data management, and facilitation
  • Collaborative Potential: Strong public-private partnerships can enhance adoption

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Global Challenges: Trust frameworks are complex, evolving alongside technology and regulations.
  • Opportunity for New Zealand: Learning from other countries’ implementations, New Zealand can lead in trust framework innovation.


Juliana encouraged New Zealand to embrace its potential by fostering collaboration across sectors to build a robust, trusted framework that supports digital identity verification and secure interactions.

Digital Identity New Zealand A purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.