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Celebrating Tech Success & Forging Ahead for a Better NZ!

Kia ora,

This week, I want to take a moment to celebrate the momentum we’re building together and the bright future we’re shaping for Aotearoa through tech. With your support, we’re forging ahead with a clear vision for a safer, fairer, and more diverse New Zealand—one enabled by technology. As the united voice for tech we continue to bring together our members across industry and government to work towards this vision.

By nature I spend a lot of time focusing on the work, but the past week of events and activity has got me in a reflective mood…

Image: The team from Tax Traders & Taxi celebrate their win at the Best Places to Work Awards

Recognising Excellence at the Best Places to Work Awards

We were proud to sponsor the Tech and Tools category at last week’s Best Places to Work Awards. A huge congratulations to H&H Group / Swisse for taking out this award, proving our belief that in 2024, every company is a tech company. A big congrats also to:

  • Auror (AI Forum member) for winning the Medium-Large Workplace category
  • LawVu (TMG member) for taking out the Wellness Spotlight category
  • Tax Traders & Taxi (FintechNZ and NZTech members) for winning the Small Workplace category and being crowned the official Best Place to Work for 2024!

It was a special night and so great to see world-class tech companies being celebrated for building equally world-class workplace culture. Congrats to the BPTW team!

Image: NZTech CEO Graeme Muller speaking at the CanterburyTech Summit 2024

Canterbury Tech Summit Highlights

Last Friday, I had the privilege of addressing the Canterbury Tech Summit. It’s always inspiring to see this vibrant community in action, with topics ranging from agentic AI to cybersecurity. A big shoutout to Louisa and the team for organising another fantastic event.

Canterbury continues to be a shining example of tech-driven growth, with 505 new tech firms and 1,588 new tech jobs created in the past decade. Which is even more exciting when you consider that every new tech job sparks 4.8 more high-value jobs, which means the community has created 7,600 new jobs in the region in 10 years. My message to them was simple: keep it up!

Image: Rt Hon Judith Collins at the Aotearoa AI Summit after announcing the AI Activator and GovGPT

Tech as a Tool for Solving National Challenges

As we continue to work alongside our members, we’re proud to provide recommendations to the government, ensuring tech is front and centre as a solution for New Zealand’s most pressing challenges.

Ngā mihi nui
Graeme Muller

P.s. Don’t forget that nominations close for the FinTechNZ Executive Council on 2 October, and for the AI Forum Executive Council on 9 October. If you’re keen to help these communities shape the future for your sector, I encourage you to throw your hat in the ring!

Read the full news here: 🚀 Celebrating Tech Success & Forging Ahead for a Better NZ! 💻🌿

NZTech We connect, promote and advance the New Zealand Technology ecosystem to help the tech sector and the economy grow.