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Sustainability October 2024 – Insights, strategies and future events

Welcome to this month’s Sustainable Finance update. Discover our latest insights and upcoming events.


  • In contributing to NZTech’s submission on the Emissions Reduction Plan consultation, we were invited to attend the Ministry for the Environment’s (MFE) Climate Business Advisory Group (CBAG) meeting to provide a presentation on the role of technology in climate change, including the state of play, and some recommendations.
  • The Climate Tech Roadmap talks about using the framework to establish an organised climate tech ecosystem that unites government, industry and research organisations to help foster innovation and nurture startups to support emission reduction goals.
    • We met with Callaghan to discuss their CleanTech mission and an opportunity to amalgamate by aligning our goals and resources to achieve greater impact. We agreed on their return:
      • they would make an introduction to connect us to the cleantech group of companies that has been forming themselves already so we can learn about them and figure out how we can come together
      • we would look at doing a presentation about the learnings the companies made on their CleanTech mission, and
      • have something that we can share across all NZ Tech communities.

Upcoming events 

We have been liaising with InsurTech regarding speakers for their ‘How data and digital tools are enabling businesses and individual customers to better understand and reduce the risk of natural hazards’ Auckland event on 28 November. If you would like to speak or attend this event, please contact Jason.

Hong Kong FinTech Week (28 October – 1 November 2024)

This event will include eight forums with the Green FinTech and Impact Forum, including sessions on carbon markets, tokenising green assets, and responsible AI.

Sustainable Business Network – Sustainable Business Awards (27 November 2024)

The focus of the Awards this year is to encourage a paradigm shift in sustainability. With two new categories, Disruptive Innovation and Transformational Leadership, this year’s awards will highlight pioneering actions that address our most urgent challenges. 

 Future Sustainability Forum, Dubai (4-5 December 2024)

The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) will host its second annual Future Sustainability Forum, building on the success of last year’s event and driving sustainability initiatives across industries.

Stay tuned for more updates, and join us in our collective effort to foster sustainable innovation in the sustainable fintech sector.

If you would like to know more about Sustainable Finance, follow our working group activity here.

FinTechNZ Disruptive technologies are revolutionising traditional financial services, creating opportunities for start up entrepreneurs and corporate innovators. FinTechNZ helps connect, promote and advance the trends shaping the FinTech ecosystem.