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We’re open for business! | BioTechNZ News May 2024

In this issue

  • Insights from our Executive Director 
  • Events
  • Submissions
  • Member news

Insights from our Executive Director 

This is an exciting time for BioTechNZ! We have been engaging with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on the Industry Advisory Group, to ensure we have fit for purpose regulations. Subsequently, MBIE has decided to align with Australian Gene Regulations, with some adjustments. This also suggests closer cooperation between our countries which will likely impact how genetic technologies and research are conducted and monitored.  

Early next month, I’ll be joining more than 30 New Zealanders travelling to San Diego, USA for BIO 2024, biotech’s largest global convention, with over 20,000 participants across the ecosystem. BioTechNZ has worked hard with BIO USA to ensure that New Zealand is showcased as  ‘open for business’.   


Join Humble Bee Bio’s founder and CEO,  Veronica Harwood-Stevenson during Techweek24 at the New Zealand Science Forging Global Cleantech Solutions event, on Wednesday 22 May in Wellington. Plus, join the Outset Open Night on 23 May in Auckland for the latest developments from Ruminant Bio and Mint Innovation. This event is showcasing a selection of emerging and innovative companies in the clean/waste to value and energy-tech sectors. Plus, an exclusive guided tour of the Outset facility. 

Be inspired by Kiara Cruickshank’s personal and Daisy Lab journey on Thursday 30 May, from 4.30pm for a 5.00pm start. Join me and the Bioscience Enterprise Programme in our second networking event at the University of Auckland, School of Biological Sciences (SBS) Reception Lounge. Register here.


Therapeutic Products Act To Be Repealed

The Therapeutic Products Act (TPA) will be repealed this year so a better regime can be put in place to provide New Zealanders safe and timely access to medicines, medical devices and health products, Associate Health Minister Hon Casey Costello announced last week.

“There will be engagement with key groups through this process. I hope we can build on some of the work that has already been done in this area and look forward to hearing from consumers, industry, and practitioners so that we develop the best possible law and frameworks,” says Minister Costello. 
 Science System Reform

Science, Innovation and Technology Minister, Hon Judith Collins and Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills, Hon Penny Simmonds have announced plans to transform our science and university sectors. If you are wondering why this coalition is not rolling out Te Ara Paerangi, explore further insights into the gaps and views on the New Zealand science system here.

If you would like to share your views ahead of our submission on 16 May, please email me.

Member news

In this month’s member news, PharmaSols is evolving and stepping into a new era as HiRO – Harvest Integrated Research Organization. Learn more.

We’re open for business!

Early next month, I’ll be joining more than 30 New Zealanders travelling to San Diego, USA for BIO 2024, biotech’s largest global convention, with over 20,000 participants across the ecosystem. BioTechNZ has worked hard with BIO USA to ensure that New Zealand is showcased as  ‘open for business’.   

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BioTechNZ Our aim is to raise awareness and increase the understanding to enable our nation to embrace the best opportunities biotech offers to us daily, helping us live better, healthier and more productive lives.