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The Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand

Submission by NZTech to Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa

NZTech welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand consultation process.

We recognise the need to revise the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). As the Discussion Document notes, the labour market and economy have changed dramatically and the current classification is now out of date.

A key contributing factor to this is how quickly technology and supporting occupations are evolving. Examples of digital and related occupational roles that have emerged very recently include Digital Community Manager and Prompt Manager, to name just two. Any new framework of occupation classification therefore needs to be flexible enough to meet this rapid pace of change.   

For these reasons we support Stats NZ’s preferred option to develop an independent New Zealand classification that is aligned to Australia.