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NZTech Submission: Collaborative Approach Needed for Work-Based Learning in Tech Sector

Submission by NZTech to the Ministry of Education

NZTech has submitted recommendations to the Ministry of Education on the future of work-based learning, emphasizing the critical need for improved digital skills training pathways.

Current Challenges

  • 45% of NZ’s digital workforce relies on talent operating on work visas
  • Existing pathways for upskilling and advanced digital training for the NZ workforce are inadequate
  • Digital skills demand spans across all sectors undergoing digital modernisation
  • Only half of digital workers are employed in the tech sector

Key Recommendations

  • Support the collaborative work-based learning model with dedicated pastoral care
  • Establish specific Industry Skills Body (ISB) for digital/business roles
  • Develop closer collaboration between industry and education system
  • Focus on industry input during policy development, not just consultation

Implementation Requirements

  • Recognition that tech firms need support to implement work-based learning
  • Dedicated entity to manage pastoral care responsibilities
  • System-wide approach to facilitate successful outcomes
  • Strong emphasis on industry-education collaboration

NZTech’s submission highlights that improving education pathways for digital skills is crucial for New Zealand’s entire economy, not just the tech sector.