Industry News

BiotechNZ produces landmark report to boost Kiwi businesses

BIOTechNZ is helping the government grow New Zealand’s highly regarded biotech industry, its executive director Dr Zahra Champion says. Scientific American Worldview scorecard for biotech, places New Zealand fourth in the world behind the US, Singapore and Denmark, and one place ahead of Australia.
Industry News

NZ education needs shake up to cope with new tech

Auckland – The New Zealand education system needs a serious shake up to deal with the velocity in which technology is changing the working world, EdTechNZ has said in a submission to the Productivity Commission.
Industry News

AgritechNZ to unleash major initiative to boost production

A three-year New Zealand agritech initiative designed to validate new technologies in nutrient analysis, delivery, efficient uptake, and environmental mitigation will be launched at the national Fieldays at Mystery Creek near Hamilton next Thursday.
Industry News

Blockchain could inject growth into the NZ economy

Blockchain has the potential to offer many benefits to inject growth into the New Zealand economy, BlockchainNZ executive director Mark Pascall has just told a government select committee.
Industry News

Blockchain could inject growth into the NZ economy

Blockchain has the potential to offer many benefits to inject growth into the New Zealand economy, BlockchainNZ executive director Mark Pascall has just told a government select committee.