Industry News

Silicon Valley Amazon Kiwi manager speaking at AI-Day

A New Zealander who is leading one of the world’s most exciting artificial intelligent (AI) teams at Amazon in Silicon Valley is working on cutting-edge social impact projects such as catching game poachers and child sex traffickers.
Industry News

NZ should celebrate its great global tech success – Ian Taylor

Ian Taylor, one of New Zealand’s most prominent tech experts, says New Zealand must celebrate it digital successes as one of the leading tech countries in the world. Taylor received a huge ovation at the international digital nations summit in Auckland today for his impassioned plea to all Kiwis to feel proud of the country’s … Continue reading "NZ should celebrate its great global tech success – Ian Taylor"
Industry News

Hard to consider a world without Uber…what next?

As the nation considers how New Zealand will look as a digital society in 2030, Kiwis need to take a moment to look back the equivalent period of the last 13 years, a prominent tech expert says.
Industry News

AI, the new tech frontier, changing the world

Some of the top cutting-edge tech companies, academics and leading tech chief executives will unleash all the latest information and how AI (artificial intelligence) is impacting on New Zealanders’ lives at a major event in Auckland in March.
Industry News

New Zealand co-founds Global InsurTech Alliance (GITA)

FinTechNZ is pleased to announce the formation of the Global InsurTech Alliance (GITA) – co founded with first members being FinTechNZ, InsurTech Australia, InsTech London (UK) and InsurTech Asia, and upcoming members from both Europe and North America.
Industry News

NZ tech stars lead world first blockchain launch

New Zealand tech stars are leading a global team in launching the world’s first ever blockchain platform for the multi-billion-dollar global online ratings and review industry.