Media Releases

Kiwi on the top 30 under 30 Asia list – Forbes magazine

Otautahi – A leading young New Zealand tech businesswoman has been named in the Forbes magazine 30 under 30 Asia list. Forbes released the list yesterday and GirlBoss New Zealand chief executive Alexia Hilbertidou 30 is on the list which started with 2500 nominations. Criteria for making the list includes demonstration of leadership, impact, potential … Continue reading "Kiwi on the top 30 under 30 Asia list – Forbes magazine"
Media Releases

New pilot a step into digital tech careers

Tāmaki Makaurau – NZTech is launching Tech21, a programme of activity and events in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to help inspire young ākonga (learners) into tech careers. Graeme Muller, the NZTech chief executive, says recent research published in their digital skills report found a decreasing number of students taking courses that will prepare them for an opportunity … Continue reading "New pilot a step into digital tech careers"
Media Releases

NZTech event for teachers crucial for New Zealand’s future

ShadowTech Teachers, a game-changing programme for teachers run by NZTech and supported by the Ministry of Education, is taking teachers, the key influencers of students, into tech firms to see first hand exciting tech careers.