Industry News

NZ ranked 4th in the world for biotech innovation potential

It highlights the importance of biotech and how it can contribute to New Zealand’s economic growth and diversification, as well as its ability to help make New Zealand cleaner, healthier and more prosperous.
Media Releases

Kiwis don’t care enough about cyber security, Muller says

Covid has suddenly and dramatically increased New Zealand’s reliance on digital devices and the internet, despite this CERT NZ’s research shows Kiwis are not adjusting their behaviours around cyber security fast enough, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. Research by CERT NZ, the government entity that tracks cyber breaches, found 87 percent Kiwis New Zealanders … Continue reading "Kiwis don’t care enough about cyber security, Muller says"
Media Releases

NZ tech exports on track to reach $16 billion before 2030

NZTech applauds National’s promise (if elected) to establish a minister for technology, who will be responsible for partnering with the private sector and implementing its 2030 NZ tech plan. NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says they currently advise seven or eight different ministers on tech issues. Having a minister of tech will avoid doubling up … Continue reading "NZ tech exports on track to reach $16 billion before 2030"
Media Releases

Tech sector helps government embrace digital future

As New Zealanders step back to alert level Lockdowns, the tech sector is significantly supporting the government on its journey to embrace an enhanced digital future, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says.