Media Releases

Tech sector helps government embrace digital future

As New Zealanders step back to alert level Lockdowns, the tech sector is significantly supporting the government on its journey to embrace an enhanced digital future, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says.
Media Releases

More important than ever: New Zealand’s tech sector

It is difficult for most Kiwis to think about the world before the covid pandemic but the nation's digital future is no longer a conversation about what the future may hold, because it is happening now – thanks to covid, NZTech chair Mitchell Pham says in their annual report.
Media Releases

NZ tech companies forecast to rapidly expand in 2020

Many NZ tech companies which are relatively small, nimble and highly innovative are forecast to rapidly expand in 2020 and over the next decade on areas of the economy, ecology and industry, NZTech chair Mitchell Pham says.
Media Releases

The four-day week discussion in NZ will accelerate this year

The four-day week discussion will accelerate this year and a number of Kiwi companies are looking to pilot the concept. The initiative was created by Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart at Perpetual Guardian. Evidence shows very clearly how chasing productivity is good for the business. Maybe more importantly, being able to free up time for … Continue reading "The four-day week discussion in NZ will accelerate this year"