Media Releases

Market Measures 2018 survey

Market Measures benchmarks the sales and marketing activity of New Zealand’s technology companies, providing you with useful information for planning your sales and marketing strategies. To find out more about Market Measures and to view past years’ reports and resources click here. By participating in the study you can compare your company’s performance against your … Continue reading "Market Measures 2018 survey"
Media Releases

NZTech reports phenomenal annual growth

NZTech, the national non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation for tech, has reported phenomenal growth of the New Zealand tech ecosystem in the last 12 months. At last night’s annual meeting in Auckland, chair Mitchell Pham said NZTech now has an alliance of 20 tech communities and more than 800 organisations across the New Zealand technology landscape who … Continue reading "NZTech reports phenomenal annual growth"
Media Releases

NZTech and NZBio combine tech forces

New Zealand is beginning to witness unprecedented opportunities in areas of technology convergence as cutting-edge and world-first technology continues to accelerate and merge. NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says New Zealand has a history of innovation in the biotech and biosciences areas, often driven by strong Kiwi foundations in the primary sectors.
Media Releases

100TechWomen project launching this month

TechWomen will this month launch 100TechWomen which will feature a collection of inspiring stories from New Zealand’s brightest female tech talent from around the country. Edwina Mistry, executive director of TechWomen, says the launch is designed to inspire the future generation of women in tech and celebrate the contribution of women in the tech industry.
Industry News

Massive impact of IoT expected in NZ and globally

The enormity and massive impact internet of things (IoT) will have around New Zealand globally has just been sheeted home in a new report which says spending will hit $US1.2 trillion by 2022. Analyst firm IDC has announced the findings its latest Worldwide Semiannual Internet of Things Spending Guide.
Media Releases

NZ will be less competitive with less government R&D support

Hundreds of fledgling New Zealand tech companies will feel the pinch if stimulating research and development grants are replaced with tax credits, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. Muller says tax credits have a place but New Zealand needs to be as competitive as other countries if it wants a faster growing economy.
Media Releases

Launch of NZ tech and innovation story UpStarters

The New Zealand Tech and Innovation Story, the UpStarters, launched this morning by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at Techweek ’18, is a key milestone in supporting our tech and innovation companies to promote themselves on the world stage. See a video of the PM attending the Techweek opening as a hologram: The UpStarters story was created to … Continue reading "Launch of NZ tech and innovation story UpStarters"
Media Releases

Technology will make NZ rivers cleaner

Technology will soon help make New Zealand’s farms more productive while also making lakes and rivers cleaner, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. “As a nation Kiwis keep talking about how important clean rivers and lakes are and the damage being done by the primary industries,” Muller says.