NZTech News

Help preserve Aotearoa’s tech history

New Zealand's Museum for Transport and Technology (MOTAT) is currently seeking industry help to capture the story of New Zealand tech and innovation.
NZTech News

Tech21 Summit: inspiring ākonga into tech careers

New Zealand’s technology workforce needs more diversity and one event is aiming to help achieve that – by appealing to young Māori, Pacific and female learners and showcasing the possibilities that await them if they pursue a tech career pathway.  
NZTech News

Hidden in plain sight…

Hiding in plain sight, Location Based Services (LBS) are often taken for granted! Without it, our daily lives would be far more difficult.
NZTech News

Join the Tech Story Inform Series

In today’s changing world, it’s no longer good enough to sell products or services by simply promoting the price or features. It needs to mean more – values and purpose that resonate with your target audiences.