Board nominations have closed and electronic voting is now open with a record number of 21 nominees vying for seven available positions on the NZTech Board.
25 June 2017
New Zealand’s primary industries need to latch on to technology faster to support the economic growth of its agri sector and become a world leader in a fast growing agritech market, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says.
13 June 2017
A leading Kiwi tech expert has slammed New Zealand’s slow progress to embrace technology.
11 June 2017
New Zealanders are engaging with artificial intelligence (AI) on a daily basis, probably without even realising it, NZTech Graeme Muller says.
05 June 2017
During the last 12 months, NZTech has gone from strength to strength and a key success factor has been our exceptional Board. Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming up and that means election season is now upon us!
28 May 2017
The 2017 Annual General Meeting will mark yet another milestone in the continued growth and strategic relevance of NZTech. The past year has seen both membership and influence continue to expand as the strategy of focusing on connecting, promoting and advancing the sector continues to progress. Here is an update and the year in review;
25 May 2017
Artificial Intelligence or AI is fast being used to make people more efficient and it will touch every element of New Zealanders’ lives from better healthcare and education to faster service and more personalised products, tech leader Stu Christie says.
23 May 2017
New Zealand tech exporters are likely to benefit from an accelerating market in Japan following this coming week’s economic and trade trip lead by Prime Minister Bill English, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says.
14 May 2017
The future is looking bright for New Zealand businesses when they begin integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and new technologies into products, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says.
10 May 2017