
Biggest week long-tech event ever held in NZ

New Zealand Techweek, which is the biggest festival of tech events ever held in New Zealand, begins all over the country tomorrow. The NZTech organised event will be held in 27 towns from Whangarei to Hokitika. Techweek will include tech and innovation events, conferences, school and business events.
NZTech News

2017 Work Programme

NZTech’s vision is a prosperous New Zealand, underpinned by technology.  The NZTech team is running a number of initiatives in 2017 to help achieve this.
NZTech News

NZTech Women making an impact!

As global discussion on diversity and inclusion continues to increase, so does interest in our ongoing program of work.  As co-chair of the High Impact Team working for NZTech Women, I would like to introduce our team; Andrea Hancox (co-chair), Kim Connolly-Stone, Jen Rutherford, Sandra Laws, Katarina Kolich, Kanika Singh, Dil Khosa, Rachel Kelly, Caroline … Continue reading "NZTech Women making an impact!"
NZTech News

AI set to massively impact NZ

New Zealand needs to seriously and swiftly embrace artificial intelligence (AI) as an extraordinary opportunity and challenge for the country’s future, a new body, the AI Forum says.
NZTech News

Make brave choices for your best lifestyle design!

NZTech Women recently met for lunch in Auckland. Weirdly’s co-founders Dale Clareburt and Keren Phillips joined us to speak about shifting attitudes and how to best design your life to reflect your personal priorities. Having run successful businesses prior to Weirdly, both are fierce advocates for making brave choices and taking risks to create a … Continue reading "Make brave choices for your best lifestyle design!"
Industry News

FinTechNZ Launch – Update 3

DAY 3:  AUCKLAND Auckland Audience: Triple-Wow! A fantastic  turn-out in Auckland on Thursday night. The audience was indeed very diverse, and did include representatives from insurance and InsurTech, as well as wealth management and other types of financial services, and even the education sector who are interested in the skills required for growing FinTech.
Industry News

FinTechNZ Launch – Update 2

DAY 2:  WELLINGTON Wow! Another great turn-out in Wellington last night. FinTech is certainly happening in Wellington, and our guest of honour was definitely the highlight of the programme. The Honourable Jacqui Dean – Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, and Minister of Small Business – spoke about how fast FinTech is growing in New … Continue reading "FinTechNZ Launch – Update 2"