NZTech News

The week in review with NZTech Chair Mitchell Pham

Last week was a vibrant week of FinTech activities.  Firstly, congratulations to Payments NZ for another successful Payments conference.  Along with the runners up, finalist and winner of the Fintech Innovation Award, very cool new businesses disrupting the payments sector in novel ways.  Congratulations also to SavvyKiwi for a successful inaugural Finnotec conference.  This event … Continue reading "The week in review with NZTech Chair Mitchell Pham"
NZTech News

Teenage refugee becomes chair of NZTech

Thirty one years after arriving in New Zealand as a 13 year old refugee from Vietnam, Mitchell Pham has been appointed the chair of NZTech. Pham takes over the governance reins at a crucial stage in New Zealand’s technology history, as the industry is accelerating at a phenomenal rate.
NZTech News

‘The new frontier of crime’ – more workplaces falling victim to cyber hacks

<A HREF=&quot;;sig=Cg0ArKJSzBPwW5W-873QEAE&amp;urlfix=1&amp;adurl=;ai=Cm6HJr4IFWIHmG8fW2ATGsK-4Cbqj85RG7YaskX7AjbcBEAEgAGCr7LGF4BiCARdjYS1wdWItNjM0MjQ5NDY0NzA2OTgyMsgBCakChyifEIwLqD7gAgCoAwGqBPoBT9B8tviH3x_hndBcedk98yj1ibykoTNufKnNO9wMLCZti04V7nt2yBARlgYmM0tpPB-o8isH6VHbQFerTM_901FXXMgdxP1hoHjXxR9FqpQZNW5K5NSARiciJSdS2IgWrYgzZjyt0CXn6dOnIbk6tzGdr4pmCAJSaiaALS2ZKlQJDgbxSlldTeDFdh_pVAzgIqWPUkDXKpmsPI242m9dQOmhBPeiC9rQshX_oO25LSTx5m4IUPzDeln2EO6nZEtvPFJEF5RPuMj_qpbBI-ajDAY14LZhOZK_mxVKYVNMq85SzO4rEy31dnD6uHbOtk1Izi7mUHYEKIr1NuAEAYAG3KfqoL28i-yYAaAGIcAGC6gHpr4b2AcA8gcCIAHSCAUIgGEQAQ&amp;num=1&amp;sig=AOD64_1skls3RugSrLNP-rDHTWb7ASnO6w&amp;client=ca-pub-6342494647069822&amp;adurl=;><IMG SRC=&quot;;pr=WAWCrwAG8wEKlitHAAvYRrvN2f5GnYLuMf6V5Q&quot; BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 ALT=&quot;Advertisement&quot;></A> Leading New Zealand business executives gathered in Wellington yesterday to discuss ways to tackle the growing threat that is cybercrime in the workplace. With 825,000 New Zealanders falling victim to cybercrime in the past 12 months, NZ Tech's Graeme Muller says it's more "rampant" than ever.
Media Releases

NZ needs to raise the tech bar

Auckland – A fast rising Maori tech leader says New Zealand needs to raise the bar and celebrate more of our successes as rapidly changing technology is now transforming the world. At 31, Robett Hollis is a Zuckerberg-type new NZTech board member who says just because New Zealand is a tiny country but there is … Continue reading "NZ needs to raise the tech bar"
Media Releases

NZTech & Precision Ag NZ helping New Zealand agriculture grow faster

New Zealand has an enormous opportunity to use technology as a means to support the economic growth of its agri sector and become a world leader in a fast growing agritech market, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. The country is achieving good agritech export growth rates relative to other nations. Global agritech investment is … Continue reading "NZTech & Precision Ag NZ helping New Zealand agriculture grow faster"
Industry News

NZTech calls for impartial tech research funding

NZTech has joined forces with IITP and other industry bodies to prepare a combined submission to the review of the Marsden Fund with recommendations on how to increase tech research funding.
NZTech News

Creating a prosperous New Zealand, led by a vibrant tech sector

Our 2016 AGM marked another milestone in the continued growth and strategic relevance of NZTech.  The past year has seen both membership and influence expand as the strategy of focusing on connecting, promoting and advancing the sector shows progress.