
NZTech Update – Creating AgriTech Connections

Good morning from Silicon Valley!  This week, I am in San Jose, California with the Agritech New Zealand and Callaghan Innovation agritech immersion programme.  Our delegation includes 30 delegates from throughout New Zealand and we have a full schedule.  We are visiting several cutting edge farming facilities, meeting investors and forming connections with the US … Continue reading "NZTech Update – Creating AgriTech Connections"

NZTech Update – Igniting the future with digital readiness

I think it’s time to have another rant about education!  Recently, I have been to meetings and events where a recurring theme has emerged – the looming skills shortage.  Just last week at the Woodflow Conference, I was asked how organisations can help their staff learn new skills on this digital journey. Are schools teaching kids … Continue reading "NZTech Update – Igniting the future with digital readiness"