NZ needs more tech-minded people, not less. What immigration policy settings best facilitate this?
Please join NZTech and the Productivity Commission for an in-depth look at New Zealand immigration policy vis-à-vis the growing demand for tech specialists.
Migrant labour plays a significant role in the tech sector. As countries plan their economic recovery from COVID-19, many are recalibrating their immigration policies to ensure they can get the people and skills they need. In effect, New Zealand competes against these countries to secure the knowledge it needs to support transformational goals. The Productivity Commission has been tasked by the government to review policies with an eye toward these goals.
What effect has access to migrant labour had on training, job conditions and technology adoption by firms? What more can immigration policy do to attract specialist ‘high-impact’ people? How can New Zealand best leverage diaspora to enhance productivity growth? We talk to those at the forefront of these pressing issues.
Dates are subject to Government announcements
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Nicholas Green
- Inquiry Director - Productivity Commission
Nicholas has previously worked on inquiries into technological change and the future of work, regulatory institutions and practices, using land for housing and on a joint research project with the Australian Productivity Commission on growing the digital economy in Australia and New Zealand. In previous incarnations, Nik has worked for a range of government and non-government organisations, including the Treasury and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Technology has been at the centre of my career for over 20 years. I am passionate about working with organisations to maximise ROI from technology investment, utilise it as a catalyst for innovation and organisational transformation for the benefit of both employees and customers alike.
I am currently GM Technology for Air New Zealand , leading a highly skilled and dedicated team of technology professionals who develop and maintain the technology infrastructure services and solutions that support the airline globally.
My career to date has been focused on the Asia Pacific Region , often leading a geographically dispersed multi-country teams. I have had the opportunity to work in technology leadership roles across the High Technology, Biotechnology, Banking & Finance and now Air Transport/Aviation sectors, all focused on this dynamic region.
I am Managing Director of HainesAttract, a talent attraction company. Combining creativity, marketing, media and recruitment expertise, we help organisations find and attract the best talent.
We have established a strong pedigree in attracting highly skilled migrants to New Zealand through many client campaigns, platforms such as Workhere and our award-winning LookSee programme.