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Metro Group 2016 Symposium

Turning Innovation into Opportunity

The Metro Group of ITPs are hosting their annual collaborative symposium in Wellington on 5 and 6 July 2016.

We are engaging an exciting and challenging range of speakers who are thought-leaders in their fields who in turn will prompt exploration and identification of ideas which can translate into real opportunities for feeding policy, education and research, based on innovation.

The venue is the Wharewaka Function Centre in the heart of Wellington in an attractive location which is a newly established hub for enabling dynamic discourse and engagement. The Centre is conveniently located by Frank Kitts (Whairepo) Lagoon and overlooks the iconic Wellington waterfront.

The symposium will bring together the ITP and industry sectors to provide opportunities for debate, discussion, and collaboration.

Our audience will comprise the rest of the ITPs, invitees from government, industry and anyone for whom innovation matters.

Register here


Jul 05 - Jul 06
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
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