The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceJoin us for a TMG (Tech Marketers Group) “Converse and Connect” event at the venue nearest you. This is a great chance to spend some quality-time with fellow tech-marketers and be part of the conversation.
Bring your latest marketing issue, the new ‘bright-shiny-thing’ that’s changing your world, or just your talented-self to make this event special. Stay for the full time; or grab a quick conversation and take-out.
We are not collecting RSVPs; just turn up and surprise us – but we really want to see you in person – just look for the noisiest group in the room.
ALL EVENTS: Wednesday the 25th July, 2018 (commit it to your calendar now)
And if you haven’t done it yet – sign up now! Membership is free if your company belongs to NZTech; or from $250.00 a year. We are excited by the response so far; don’t be on the outside looking in – our member-rate events will be kicking in next month.
And finally – hold this date – Conference 2019 is 28 February, 2018 in Auckland – get it in your calendar now.