The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceRegister now for this 2-Part Event:
Presentation released to registered attendees April 26th
Live Recap and Q&A April 28th 1230PM (Midday) NZST
Join us as we explore examples of On-Demand Transport (ODT) and how this emerging transport solution can to solve COVID-19 transport challenges.
With the COVID-19 coronavirus, impacts on existing public transport models and behaviour are expected. Severe restrictions have already impacted on “normal” travel and there’s a justified concern about social space, while many believe the situation creates an opportunity to positively change travel behaviours too. ODT may be in a unique opportunity to overcome some of the immediate challenges and provide a reliable, safe option for future mobility needs.
ODT has emerged as an exciting new transport solution primarily by leveraging transport technologies to solve traditional challenges like transit deserts, first mile / last mile, total mobility, school buses, parking capacity issues, staff travel needs, non-emergency patient transport and more. At the core of ODT is the ability to effectively aggregate demand while providing a personalised service that customers want to use.
The future success of transport networks requires a move away from single-occupancy vehicles and traditional mobility behaviours, helping achieve greater efficiency from existing infrastructure and reducing carbon emissions.
Ben Hague of On-Demand leaders Via will cover the following topics:
Ben is Partnerships Principal of Via, formerly he was with state agency Transport for NSW. for those new to ODT Ben will also cover the basics, including establishing uses cases, service design and simulation as well as vehicle consideration, drivers, fares and market. The benefits of ODT including environmental, economic, equity and sustainability will be examined.
Ben will be joined by Jeremy Dickson of Environment Canterbury to specifically discuss the recent launch and early performance of the MyWay service in Timaru, a rural town centre (pop.44,000), where a trial supported by the New Zealand Transport Agency has quickly been adopted as is now the sole public transport service.
Ben Hague
Ben Hague is a Partnerships Principal at Via, leading Via’s on-demand transit partnerships across New Zealand and Australia. where he is responsible for establishing and growing mobility partnerships with private operators, governments, councils and transit operators who are interested in using modern technology to tackle transport challenges.Prior to Via, Ben managed the Transport for NSW On-Demand program, a world-leading program that saw 22 on-demand pilots implemented in metro, rural and regional settings across NSW as well as the establishment of permanent on-demand services.
Via – First launched in New York City in 2013, Via’s technology is now deployed globally, including in Europe as ViaVan. Today Via and ViaVan partner with nearly 100 public transportation agencies, private transit operators, taxi fleets, private companies, school districts, and universities, seamlessly integrating with transportation infrastructure to power cutting-edge mobility. For more information, visit ridewithvia.com.
Jeremy Dickson ECan
Jeremy Dickson is a manager at Environment Canterbury, responsible for the implementation of the MyWay service. He has worked in the public transport team for two years from the genesis of this project. He also works on other business improvement projects for the business including recent contracts for the Canterbury network, a real-time information system and developing the network’s data warehouse and reporting capabilities.
MyWay – MyWay by Metro is a 14 month pilot and trial of an On-Demand public transport service in Timaru. The trial was initiated in response to low and declining patronage of the current service and a realisation that to meet the needs of the community we needed to do something different.
Over the past 12 months we have been working with the community and our partners (VIA, Ritchies, Timaru District Council and NZTA) to design a many to many on-demand service that meets the needs of the community.
MyWay are currently in the middle of a 9-week pilot which aims to test hypotheses, road test the service to iron out issues, train drivers and operational staff and develop the service that will be offered to the community on day 1 of the trial.