Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Tech Futures Masterclass: Business Disruption Edition

99 Khyber Pass Road 99 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023, New Zealand

Embrace A Future Shaped by Generative AI & Prepping for mass change. The age of generative AI is well and truly upon us. This workshop takes the tech out of the most disruptive challenges of our time to focus on the human impact - from staff, to customers, suppliers to investors. Held in person at … Continue reading "Tech Futures Masterclass: Business Disruption Edition"

Decentralised Dating: Meet Your BCNZ Executive Council Candidates

Online , New Zealand

We're thrilled to invite BlockchainNZ members to our BCNZ Executive Council Decentralised Dating, an engaging and casual webinar where you'll meet the potential leaders of New Zealand's thriving blockchain ecosystem. With our Executive Council election just around the corner, this is your chance to know the nominees who are eager to earn your vote. BlockchainNZ … Continue reading "Decentralised Dating: Meet Your BCNZ Executive Council Candidates"

FinTechNZ: Importance of Data Quality for AML


Event Recording:   About the Event: In today’s fast-paced world of technology, robust anti-money laundering (AML) data is important. FinTech companies operate within a constantly evolving landscape where accurate and reliable data is critical for combatting money laundering. However, many organisations still face challenges with data issues. This hampers their ability to detect and prevent … Continue reading "FinTechNZ: Importance of Data Quality for AML"

Connected Ako: The Digital Strategy Refresh

This one-hour event, specially tailored for EdTechNZ members, will showcase the transformative power of technology in education and provide insights into the future of digital learning.


Digital Trust Hui Taumata 2023

Te Papa in Wellington

Leading the digital trust conversation in Aotearoa. Join Digital Identity in 2023 for our annual hui.


Grant Sheehan: Light, Ghosts & Dreams

Academy Cinemas Auckland CBD, Auckland, New Zealand

Filmmaker Robin Greenberg celebrates the life and art of avant-garde New Zealand photographer and publisher Grant Sheehan and his creative Artificial Intelligence (AI) explorations.


Grant Sheehan: Light, Ghosts & Dreams

Academy Cinemas Auckland CBD, Auckland, New Zealand

Filmmaker Robin Greenberg celebrates the life and art of avant-garde New Zealand photographer and publisher Grant Sheehan and his creative Artificial Intelligence (AI) explorations.